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Pick up the phone Nothing will create a great relationship faster than a real live conversation. Does this mean your on-line social networking is a waste of time? Absolutely not!But the sooner you get that networking off-line, the faster your job search will go. To get your copy of my free and terror-free 17 word for word networking scripts, click here. So pick someone to call, get your script out, and dial. Let me know how it is going, and never hesitate to give me a call if you have any questions. Wishing you the best! P.S. Now that you’re getting into the hidden job market, it’s time to make sure you can do a blow-their-socks-off interview. That isn’t something we learned how to do. And what makes sense to you isn’t entirely what hiring managers will love. In my 25 years of recruiting, I’ve learned the keys to getting the hiring manager to want to hire you! Now you can have those insider secrets from this great interview guide. Check it out!]