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Here are 3 phrases that can slow down your job search success:

  • That won’t work for me.
  • I already know that.
  • I don’t need to do that.

These are job search success killers because job search is very different today — because the world is very different. You may need to rethink old strategies and even (gasp!) getting a little outside your comfort zone.
Speaking of outside your comfort zone, consider this: p
ick up the phone and start networking. Check out this pie chart from Business Week.


While the actual numbers may be a little higher or lower, that doesn’t really matter. The bottom line is that networking is THE best way to end your job search FAST with a great new job !

This means that if you’re spending 30 hours a week on your search, 75% or 22 hours should be spent on networking activities.

And you are spending at least that much if you aren’t currently in a job, right?
Of course, it feels like you’re getting a lot done by sending your resume to everyone you know and applying for lots of jobs. If you’re not seeing great results from those things, cut down on them and start networking.

Let me know how it is going, and never hesitate to let me know how I can be of assistance.

Wishing you the best!

And of course, be sure to get this interview guide. Use it and your next interview could be your last interview!