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Actively networking and making connections are essential and significant elements of your job search strategy today. Social networking is important, but must be augmented with face-to-face or at least voice-to-voice connecting.

The etiquette is ask for the help–ask for the check.” 
That can get expensive unless you get creative. And the good news is “creative” is not only acceptable, it can often make you stand out.

These days it is quite acceptable to ask someone to join you for coffee — on you. You could even offer to bring coffee to their office to make it easier for them to meet with you.

I have taken someone to lunch when it was critical for me to be able to spend time with her. I asked her assistant for her favorite restaurant– and then asked her to join me for lunch there. It really differentiated me from everyone else asking for her time.

You can ask the person’s assistant or the person who referred you if there is something special they like — jelly beans or chocolates or cookies or??

I recently met with someone who loved the oatmeal raisin cookies from the Il Forniao bakery. His assistant alerted me to that, and those 3 cookies were one of my best investments!

You only need a few of these wonderful people in your life and they will lead you to everything they want.

Thank people in a way that shows both your gratitude and personality. Handwritten notes are nice but email thank you’s are just fine and a is always a wonderful way to stand out. If you have the kind of relationship with someone where you text, that works also. Don’t underestimate the power of this small act on your part.

When you think of networking as a way to make connections and build relationships, you’ll come up with unique and money-saving ways to say “thank you.” And really build a relationship at the same time.

So pick someone to call, get your script out, and pick up the phone. If you don’t have your scripts yet, get your copy


Let me know how it is going, and never hesitate to give me a call if you have any questions.

Wishing you the best!

And of course, be sure to get this interview guide. Use it and your next interview could be your last interview!