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Networking is supposed to be a way to assist and be assisted by others. That can help you find hidden jobs and end your job search much faster.

But sometimes people may offer some kind of help for your job search but don’t follow through. Now what do you do? If you call or try to follow up, it can sound like bugging them. If you don’t mention it again, it can give them the impression you weren’t particularly interested in their offer.

I’ve found that if people offer to help you, they almost always intend to do it. And then there is that big thing that can get in the way of those good intentions –life.

When people offer to do something, be sure to thank them (I know you knew that).

Right then, ask some questions so you know what they really intend to do. This also gets them to start thinking about really doing it.

Here are some really helpful questions if they have offered to introduce you to someone they think you should meet. Let’s say they think you should talk to Sally, and offer to introduce you.

  1. How do you know Sally?
  2. Tell me a little more about her.
  3. What is the reason you think Sally is someone I should talk to?
  4. Is it easier for you to introduce us or is it OK if I reach out to her and mention that you gave me her contact info?
  5. What do you think is the best way to contact Sally?

Often I’ve found that people say they will follow up with a colleague to introduce you but don’t really think about what or when specifically they will do it. So they just honestly forget.

And of course sometimes these offers are a lot like those promises to “call you for lunch—really soon.”

So get specific to find out if this is a real offer or just an air kiss.

Help Them Remember Their Promise and Let Them Know You’re Excited About Their Recommendation

Think of it like getting a present. When you just say thank you and nothing more, I might think you aren’t all that crazy about the sweater I knit for you.

When you try it on, and ask me some questions like how I made the sleeves to fit so well, I feel you really like what I’ve done.

Help me feel you like my suggestion about something I’m going to do that will help your job search.

And if They Still Don’t Follow Up

If these questions about the specifics don’t you get specifics in return, I would assume the other person is making an offer they aren’t going to follow through on, and just lower my expectations.

Then if they actually do follow through, it’s like an extra present. One that really fits.

So think of someone to call, get your script out, and pick up the phone. If you don’t have your scripts yet, get your copy here.

Let me know how it is going, and never hesitate to give me a call if you have any questions.

Wishing you the best!

And of course, be sure to get this interview guide. Use it and your next interview could be your last interview!

Best wishes for a fast and fabulous conclusion to your search.