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Interview Cheat Sheet

Imagine feeling totally confident and comfortable going to your next interview.

Imagine that as a result, your next interview is the one that gets you a great job. 

Imagine that your job search is over! hired

As a recruiter with over 20 years of experience interviewing candiidates and hearing what hiring managers have to say after interviews, I’d like to share some realities you may not be aware of:

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  • Interviews are more than ways to assess your skills and experience. There is something more important being assessed…your fit with the culture, team, project, etc.
  • The recruiter and hiring manager really want to fill the position, and they brought you in hoping you would interview well so they could stop interviewing!
  • There is no magical number of interviews you need to do in order to get the job. And doing more interviews doesn’t mean you get better. Practice doesn’t make perfect unless you are practicing the right things!
  • Recruiters may not tell you the whole truth about why the hiring manager passed on you. We don’t want to hurt your feelings, so we may say there was someone more qualified or just a vague “going with other candidates.” But the bottom line almost always is that you blew the interview. What makes that even worse is you may have left that interview thinking you knocked it out of the park. They loved you!


So it is quite possible that what you think is good interviewing isn’t at all what the recruiter and/or hiring manager are looking for. The problem is you don’t know what you did wrong and worse, you don’t know how to fix it!

[headline_tahoma_small_left color=”#000000″]Every interview requires unique preparation based on the position you are interested in…[/headline_tahoma_small_left]

The old-style standard preparation steps of reviewing your resume and then reading the company website and maybe their facebook pages and news articles are far from adequate these days.

Now you have everything you need to do in an easy to follow concepts, formulas and structures.

This is where many many candidates really blow it. Don’t be one of them!

Let’s end your job search with a fabulous new job. Let’s make your next interview your LAST interview!

Why didn’t you get the job?

Hint: It’s not because the other candidates are more qualified.

It’s because you didn’t interview well.

Start creating knock-their-socks-off interviews with just a few strategies other candidates won’t have.

Your competitors are probably just reviewing the company website and facebook page and doing google searches.

[headline_tahoma_small_left color=”#000000″]Here’s how you can easily and quickly prepare to be so impressive your competition is left far behind![/headline_tahoma_small_left]

With this double-sided interview cheat sheet, you will get  the formula to develop the best answer possible for every position:



[headline_tahoma_small_left color=”#000000″]Let me show you:[/headline_tahoma_small_left]

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  • The 3 components of a powerful answer…most candidates actually leave out two of these!
  • How to prepare if you are moving into a new industry…now is actually a great time to make that happen
  • How to answer:
    • Tell me about yourself
    • Why should we hire you?
    • Why are you leaving your current position?
  • Fabulous questions that you can ask so you really understand what is important to them (and no other candidate will have this “insider” information)
  • How to structure every answer so they really believe you. (Insider secret: When recruiters and hiring managers hear typical answers, we don’t just buy them! But we’ll never say that to you.)


[headline_tahoma_small_centered color=”#000000″]Order your laminated double-side interview cheat sheet today. I’ll send it to you immediately.

For just $9.97 , you get everything you need to knock their socks off in your next interview![/headline_tahoma_small_centered]

 [guarantee_box_1 title=”Full 100% Money Back Guarantee”]If you do not think this interview preparation guide will help you be more confident and prepared for your interview, just let me know. I’ll refund your money, no problem. And you can keep the cheat sheet![/guarantee_box_1]

[divider_line]What Other Job Seekers Have Experienced Using My Approach to Interview Preparation:[/divider_line]

[testimonial1 author=”Nicola Tidwell, HR Executive”]“I have a second interview today with the search firm handling a SVP HR position at CBS Interactive in San Francisco.  Thanks to your coaching, I was prepared. That felt so good, and they said my response was the most thoughtful and strategic they had ever heard”[/testimonial1]


[testimonial1 author=”Jack Trendel, Sales Executive“]“By the way, I am waiting for guaranteed call-backs from two different companies after telephone interviews. The difference this time was the help you gave me on how to do a stand-out interview.”[/testimonial1]

[testimonial1 author=”Bill Kunerth, (now in his new role as PR/Social Media Manager)”]“Transitioning to a new career can be challenging in this competitive job market. That’s why I was fortunate to work with Katherine Moody, as she provided me with the tools and training to maximize my job interviewing skills. It’s the best investment you’ll make.”[/testimonial1]