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Here is one of the most effective ways to learn what questions will make you sound like an insider in any industry or career function: Find a person who is already an insider and do some investigation. This is actually quite fun because you get to know someone a little better and you get dynamite questions for your meeting.

Ask your contact:

  • What questions do people in this {industry/function} ask each other when they meet?
  • What are good follow-up questions? After all, you need something to say when they answer your first question. By the time they answer this question, your small task skills will kick and the conversation will take off.
  • What are the questions you MUST NOT ask?
  • What are the most important words to use? Be sure to ask for definitions of those words!
  • What are the insider phrases? “Break a leg” sounds good to an actor, but it probably means something else to an environmental engineer!
  • What are the words, issues, areas that would be best for you to avoid?

Now when you call or meet them, you’re already an insider.

So pick someone to call, get your script out, and dial.

If you don’t have your terror-free hidden job market networking scripts yet, click here for your FREE copy.

Let me know how it is going, and never hesitate to give me a call if you have any questions.

Wishing you the best!

And don’t forget to check out the best interview guide. Because now that you’re finding hidden jobs, you only have one more thing to do to land your job. Click here and make sure you can do a blow-their-socks-off interview.