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Social Media & Your Job Search: Together Forever

Social Media & Your Job Search: Together Forever

What You Do In Social Media Stays on Google Forever Still wondering whether it’s appropriate/fair/legal for recruiters and hiring managers to use your social media activities in their hiring decisions? Too late! That train has left the station. No matter how you...
Job Search: Make Rejection Pay Off Big Time

Job Search: Make Rejection Pay Off Big Time

Job search can be one place where we get more rejection than in any other place in our life. (For me, was the only place that came close!) But there are two ways to have something positive come out of this awful thing called “rejection.”...
4-word Formula for Job Search Success

4-word Formula for Job Search Success

Pick up the phone Nothing will create a great relationship faster than a real live conversation. Does this mean your on-line social networking is a waste of time? Absolutely not!But the sooner you get that networking off-line, the faster your job search will go. To...